Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Future of Food

Last night's episode was even more shocking in many ways than the first episode.

The presentation is remarkably calm, and perhaps too calm? Over the course of the hour if you really listened carefully the very scary message that within our lifetime we would run out of major meat and fish is pretty disturbing. Incidentally, grass fed cattle, which we have been eating and promoting is by far the most sustainable. The UK are pretty far ahead with this, but in the US and Argentina, the vast majority are grain fed. 15kg's of grain to make 1kg of beef. Not only does this sound wasteful, but it is now proven that this is an unsustainable model.

Not sure governments will do anything. My guess is that simple economics will sort it out when the price of fish and beef goes sky high. But then the environmental consequences of this are huge.

I recommend you take some time out and watch this.

Posted via web from Artisan Production Kitchen

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