Monday, 27 September 2010

Gareth Malone's Extraordinary School for Boys

BBC's excellent experiment taking the choirmaster to a school where the boys were way behind girls in literacy.

Results were amazing. Partly because Gareth taught the boys in their way and also because he concentrated on literacy for 8 weeks with them. The reaction by my 6 year old son's teacher was that :

1. she did not believe boys needed teaching differently to girls (wrong - and there are neuroscience tests that prove that now!)

2. She wished she had more time to teach literacy (so leaves it to us!). Scrap French for 5 year olds if there isn't enough time for English I say and all the extra curricula stuff and general messing around. Get teaching.....

1 comment:

Wealden Chap said...

Spot on. Schools are being feminised, male teachers demonised.Good job Shackleton didn't grow up in 2010. He would probably have stayed at home and pursued that dangerous sport of extreme embroidery.